ISAHP 2024 Guidelines
Submitting Papers
- If this is the first time submitting a paper at ISAHP, please create an account in our submission system
- Then LOGIN and submit your 5-8 pages full paper that will be reviewed for relevance, technical merit, and clarity. See more details on how to submit in the Submission Instructions.
- Please use the ISAHP2024 Paper Template when preparing your paper/extended abstract for submission.
Each paper should be a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 8 pages full paper. Please submit the paper in PDF Format.
- Choose a track for your paper at the time of submission. The topics must be related to your paper. This information will be used by the committee for assigning appropriate reviewers and scheduling sessions.
- You may make changes in your submission until the deadline. After this date, you may no longer edit, re-submit, add co-author, re-order author listing, etc.
- Manuscripts must be submitted by 15 NOV 2024.
- Authors will be notified of the decision starting from 22 NOV, 2024.
- Each submission will be assigned a PAPER ID. Please quote this in all correspondence.